How to place limit order?

Learn more about limit trading with bitoftrade

Are you looking to make good earnings from limit trading? We’ve got you covered!

Limit orders are used for long-term traders, so if you’re looking to make the most out of trading opportunities limit orders are ideal for you. With a limit order, you can buy and sell tokens that offer you greater profit potential. Limit orders allow you to place restrictions on the maximum and minimum pricing. There are different types of limit orders, and some can be triggered when specific conditions are met.

At bitoftrade, we offer advanced tools such as limit orders. Our smart widget allows you to exchange almost all of the most popular tokens and cryptocurrencies. By trading with limit orders, you can place a limit on price risk when trying to swap an asset.

Read our article The Fundamentals of Crypto Limit Order Trading for some handy tips and more information on limit orders.

You can start placing limit orders on bitoftrade in six simple steps:

  1. Go to our trading dashboard by clicking on “Start Trading”.

  2. Connect your wallet and choose “Limit” on the trading dashboard.

  3. Set your trading pair by searching for a specific token by name, determining the number of tokens you want to trade, the time your order will stay open, and the target price.

  4. Click on the "Confirm Limit" button. If you’re trading with a token for the first time you’ll have to unlock it. This is a one-time process and requires signing in to MetaMask or Trust Wallet and paying any gas fees costs.

  5. Click “Confirm” and you’ll see your transaction summary, including all estimated fees. Then, your wallet will open automatically.

  6. After approving the order on your wallet, you’ll be able to see its status in the “Transaction History” section at the bottom of the page.

Important note: Your transaction will occur only if the market conditions meet your limit order.

For a short walkthrough of limit trading on our platform watch our fun tutorial below:

Last updated