How to bridge my Fantom tokens

Step-by-step instruction on how to bridge Fantom tokens.

Some networks require a bridge to transfer tokens from one network to another, and Fantom is one of them! All you need is the Multichain bridge, to transfer assets between Ethereum, Fantom, and other networks.

You can learn how to use Multichain in our simple step-by-step guide below:

  1. Go to the Multichain website and then log in to your MetaMask or Trust Wallet. Select the network you want to transfer from, and the account with the assets you would like to bridge cross-chain.

  2. On the Multichain app or website, click “Connect to a Wallet” and select “MetaMask” or “Trust Wallet”.

  3. Select the account you would like to connect to, click “Next”, followed by “Confirm”. Lastly, click “Connect”.

  4. Make the appropriate selections in the From and To sections of the Multichain page, indicating the networks and tokens you are bridging.

  5. Next, specify the number of tokens to bridge.

  6. Click “Swap", then confirm the transaction in Multichain. A window will open, asking you to approve the transaction. Click the “Confirm” button. Your tokens will be bridged within a couple of minutes.

Important note: Multichain does not charge a fee to bridge ERC20-Opera FTM.

And there you have it: a successful cross-chain transfer!

Last updated