How to download and connect MetaMask for desktop?

Follow our step-by-step process download and start using MetaMask.

Setting up MetaMask on your desktop browser couldn’t be easier!

With our six simple steps you’ll be connected to MetaMask in no time:

If you haven't installed it yet, go to and download the wallet extension on your browser.

You can either open a new wallet or restore an old one using your secret seed phrase. To create a new wallet you’ll need to set a password.

Get your secret recovery phrase of 12 seed words. Make sure you keep it in a safe place and never share it with anyone. This is the key to your funds.

Confirm your seed phrase by entering it in the right order.

You’re all set! To get started, simply go to and select “Start Trading”.

Click “Connect MetaMask” and approve the connection. If you have multiple accounts on your MetaMask, please make sure you choose the one you'd like to start trading with.

You’re now ready to start trading with bitoftrade! For more information about MetaMask read our article MetaMask Review: A Complete Guide Of The Best Ethereum Wallet over on our blog.

Last updated